CandleLight Service

2012 December 09

Created by Pam 12 years ago
Hey Mama: Me, Aaron and Uncle Milt attended the candlelight service at the cemetery last night. It was a rainy night. We did light a candle for you. Mama I miss you so much. We were best friends. My heart is broken into a million pieces right now. I wish I could just have 5 more minutes with you. I miss your hugs. I miss the phone calls. And when I come in from being at your house I catch myself telling Jim that I needed to call you to let you know I got home okay. I think about you every single day. I will never forget you and I will always keep your memory alive. Daddy is doing okay. He sure misses you something awful Mama. ILove and Miss You So Much Mama. Hugs and Kisses To You In Heaven....... Your Daughter, Pam