Back At Church

2012 December 13

Created by Pam 12 years ago
Hey Mama; I went back to church today. First time I've got to go in about a month. I've been sick with bronchitus. Really enjoyed being back at church. Mama as birthday gets closer I sure wish I would be getting that phone call where you sing Happy Birthday to me. I'm gonna miss that so much. You rest Mama. I seen you struggle so bad. If I had of known that Sunday night was gonna be the last time we were together I never would have left to come home. I do have those 4 words that you said to me before I left that night stored in heart. Those 4 words were "Pam, I Love You". Mama I love You Too. I will always keep your memory alive. hugs and Kisses To You In Heaven........ Your Daughter, Pam